07 – West Virginia
There are only about 4 miles of the AT that are actually in West Virginia; for a while, the trail follows the border between the states of West Virginia and Virginia. The photos included in this section are those I took from the time we first set foot in West Virginia (June 1st) until we left Harpers Ferry, crossing the Potomac River into Maryland (June 3rd).
As always, if you click on a picture to enlarge, you can move through the gallery with the left and right arrows below each picture.
Self-portrait: Mike entering West Virginia
A turkey vulture soars over this West Virginia Valley
I’ve reached the 1000-mile marker! Yahoo!
Headin’ for Harpers Ferry
Steps up to the bridge over the Shenandoah River (Harpers Ferry is at the confluence of the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers)
CLiCK! and LongTime cross the Shenandoah River
A welcome sight! At the ATC headquarters, where we’ll make our first stop in this town, they keep a count of the thru-hikers each year. We were numbers 264 and 265 – It’s not a race, but we’re ahead of the pack!
CLiCK! entering ATC headquarters (where there is a computer room, lounge, small shop and loads of information
History abounds in Harpers Ferry
More Harpers Ferry history
Lower Town, Harpers Ferry (where we stayed)
Ready for lunch at the Town’s Inn Pub & Eatery (we splurged a bit!)
…and more history!
Daddy-O and Cold Feet, father & daughter section hikers at the Town’s Inn – we met them on the trail the day before. They ended their hike here.
view down the street from the Town’s Inn porch
These old stone steps are part of the trail!
Harpers Ferry played a role in the start of the Lewis & Clark expedition.
A lot done! A lot left!
Crossing the Potomac on the way out of Harpers Ferry and into Maryland!
Crossing the Potomac as we leave Harpers Ferry
Thanks as always, Mig, for your gorgeous photos and captions.
Glad to hear you’re still finding time for personal grooming.