
As we spend this lovely rain-free nero day in beautiful Buena Vista, Virginia, I will try to pick out some of the best shots from the last week or so. So much has happened and I have so little computer time allotted at the local library (especially with the tweens just getting out of school and wanting to play video games), we’ll see what I get to actually https://sgs.nsw.edu.au/cialis-online/ upload. Most of these images come from around 100 miles or just under a week ago — it’s just been raining so much since then, I haven’t had the camera out as much. Enjoy!

Just a reminder — be sure to click on the thumbnails below to expand the images and see them full-frame.

4 Responses to 05/19/11

  1. Deborah Farmar says:

    I love all your photos, Mel.
    Be safe, both of you!

  2. christopher says:

    love your photos!
    (critters gallery?)

  3. MN says:

    You’re both batting over .4oo with your pictures!

  4. amy wolfe says:

    Lovely lovely aaaaannnnnd lovely!! and……….. BREATHTAKING!!!!!

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