06 – Virginia

This will likely end up being a very large gallery, since about 25 % of the Appalachian Trail is in Virginia.  Click on any picture to enlarge, then you can use left and right arrows below the picture to move ahead or back.

We’re loving Virginia so far – the trail has flattened out just a bit.  In Virginia, there are occassionally pastures and flat ridges between the mountains.  In the more southern states, there are only MOUNTAINS between the mountains!

I hope you enjoy these shots as much as we’re enjoying the hike.

6 Responses to 06 – Virginia

  1. christopher says:

    wonderful photos
    from the small to large,
    folks to scenics,
    critters and comments,
    and all ‘tween.

  2. SusanS says:

    Great photos! Thanks for including dumpsters and all the other shots that give us the whole picture!

  3. amy wolfe says:

    Looks so fabulous!!!! keep em coming!!!

  4. Beth Paulson says:

    Some words that come to mind after viewing your wonderful Virginia gallery, Michael–incredible green, far off vistas, nature’s gifts close-up, and such good company. I wish I knew what the woods smell like, apart from hikers that need showers!

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