
Hey y’all, (yes it’s required to say “y’all” down here), here are some of my photos from the last few days (early May). Don’t they make you want to come and join us for a stint on the trail? Don’t they?? 🙂

5 Responses to 05/08/11

  1. Don Paulson says:

    I love the suspension bridge!


    • Mike says:

      Here’s something I wasn’t going to tell you, but I will anyway. We crossed a railroad track between I-77 and Atkins, VA. I picked up a spike, and carried it (heavy!) all the way t Atkins, where I thought I’d mail it to you. The PO was too far away, so I decided I had to leave it. Oh, well. Sorry. It might have made a fine addition to your collection!

  2. Deborah Farmar says:

    Yo, Click. You certainly have lived up to your hiking name. Keep up the beautiful clicks, Click.

    • Mel says:

      Thanks! There is so much to click at and so little time in the day – especially when we want to get in the big miles. Can’t wait to have the time to sit down and really look at everything I’ve got!

  3. amy wolfe says:

    CLICK IT UP BABY!!!! all the way!!

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