Maine pictures added!

Looking out from Barren Mountain

3 1/2 weeks after we ended the hike, I’ve finally added “16 – Maine” to “Mike’s Galleries” (Click the “Mike’s Galleries” dropdown and scroll down near the bottom.)

After New Hampshire, we were happy to be into the final state.  There are about 283 miles of the trail in Maine, the first 150 or so are rugged and mountainous.  We looked forward to getting out of the mountains so we could once again do big miles (we had one day of 22 miles in Maine – the first time we could go so far since Massachusetts!).  Finishing was bittersweet – though I have to say a lot more sweet than bitter!

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One Response to Maine pictures added!

  1. June and Scott says:

    You Guys,

    It brought tears to my eyes and a warm feeling to my heart to see both of you standing at Katahdin!!!! From Georgia to Maine!!!

    Mel, best wishes to you and Doni on your wedding day!!!!!!!

    June and Scott

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