10 – New Jersey

New Jersey is for northbounders (known simply as “NoBos”, rhymes with hobos) the eighth of the fourteen states though which the AT passes.  About 75 miles of the trail are in NJ.  Though we joked about the mosquitoes and poison ivy (both really are quite nasty), the trail is pretty kind to hikers – the rocks diminish, the climbs are fairly mild, and the trail stays on ridge tops for long stretches.  Now and then, there are boardwalk sections through low marshes and swampy parts of the woods.  Here’s a selection of photos from the Garden State!

5 Responses to 10 – New Jersey

  1. Pete Keener says:

    Glad to see you are doing well. We will keep you in our prayers.

    Pete and Terri

  2. Hi Mel & Mike,
    WOW, 4 postings today with more beautiful pictures. Mosquitos & poison ivy, more hazards of the trail. You are superhuman! Best of luck as you push on to Maine.

  3. Well yes there is beauty in New Jersey,however one never really notices beauty in to many states as they are zipping down the highways in their motor vehicles.
    So you both now know, the best way to take in the beauty of any state on the Appy.,is by walking.

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