Hot day, cool stream

About a week ago, on Saturday June 11th, it was very hot and humid, and we stopped for a lunch break at a footbridge over a stream.  Gravelly bottom, not very deep.  Great place for a dip!



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3 Responses to Hot day, cool stream

  1. christopher says:

    looks super refreshing!
    smart not staying down too long
    so as to avoid the bends 🙂

  2. Let me also wish you a Happy Dad’s day Mike.

    Hey nothing like a cool dip on a hot day.
    It was good that you could get back to civilization for some wedding fun.
    Although I know you are so geared to accomplishing your goal,you had to say bye bye to civilization,and get back to putting one foot in front of another,on the Appy.

    Let me see if I have this right, you started in Georgia in March,and you are a little better than half way.
    So are the both of you on target?
    Well I hope you are,be safe.

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