Hello, New York!

It’s 10:15 AM on 6/29, and we just crossed over from NJ into NY (somehow certain to be our favorite state). So, altogether, we’ve covered 1,357.8 miles! A mere 823.2 to go. On Friday PM we’ll be off-trail in Brooklyn. Expect lengthier posts then.

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14 Responses to Hello, New York!


    WOW – you guys are doing fantastic!! 1357 miles – on foot – we’re lucky to do that in our MG TD! Of course it might not take as long.


  2. Jrae says:

    Congratulations on making it this far!
    Hope the weather continues to be good and enjoy your time in Brooklyn!


  3. Barbara Miller says:

    Hi Mel & Mike, I met you guys in Boiling Springs, PA I was talking to you about a trail manual for my husband. You guys are amazing what you are doing! Keep going strong. Your website is awesome!

  4. Don Paulson says:

    You two are amazing! Do your feet just move by themselves now? I know you loved your southern experiences but it must feel very welcoming to be walking in your home state again. We’re down here in Texas where the walking is warm and moist compared to the mountains of Colorado. Keep sending those great photos.

  5. Val P. says:

    “Start spreadin’ the news / I’m leavin’ today /
    I want to be a part of it / New York, New York
    These vagabond shoes / are longing to stray
    Right through the very heart of it / New York, New York”

    Welcome back to your home state, and congratulations on completing another leg of your journey. Enjoy your rest in Brooklyn, fuel up, and know that Katahdin is waiting.

    • Mike says:

      Thanks, Val! Though there’s still many miles to go, we feel a bit like we’re getting close to the home stretch! Except for Maine, the rest of the states ahead aren’t so big. We’ll be hitting lots of milestones shortly, and those help drive us ahead! Susan told me you guys had a good ride and nice day; I wish I could be in two places.

    • Mel says:

      Thanks Val! You know I did have that in my head upon entering the state.

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