Imagination + planning + work = reality

It’s just 39 days until the hike begins.  Plans and thoughts are becoming reality.  Tonight I’ll be sorting out fruit snacks and dinners into the boxes that our “ground crew” will be mailing to us, in care of post offices and friendly businesses along the way.  We expect to handle about half our resupply needs that way.  The rest we’ll purchase along the way.  I imagine I’ll be looking forward to some restaurant meals!

Today I made arrangements for Melissa and I and our friend Tim (who’ll be joining us for the first two weeks or so) to spend the night of March 11th at the Hiker Hostel in the “metropolis of Dahlonega, GA, which is the closest town to the Southern Terminus of the Appalachian Trail.”  Looks like a tremendous place to set out from.  Check out their website at  The Hiker Hostel folks also provide (for a modest extra fee) shuttle service to the trailhead.  What could be simpler!

And (of course) I spent another few hours hiking in the park with my semi-loaded pack.  As I finished and was loading my pack into the car, a fellow with a dog asked if I was crazy enough to be camping out in this cold weather.  “No, just crazy enough to be out training to hike the AT.”  “You’re actually gonna do the whole thing?” he asked.  I explained that for now, my answer is simply, “That’s the plan.”  I have the imagination.  I’m doing the planning.  That leaves just the work!

Everything you can imagine is real.  ~Pablo Picasso

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2 Responses to Imagination + planning + work = reality

  1. Stardust says:

    You must be somewhere in Vermont by now.
    In Dalton I talked to Tom Levardi and he remember your daughter Melissa, the photographer, also said that you were there in the morning.
    I hope you are well with this heat. After Williamstown, I came home ( Newton) for a couple of days to recover from the mosquitoes and heat. I will be back day after tomorrow, probably in Bromley,VT.
    HIKE ON, Stardust(or Snaildust)

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