Seems odd to consider this the end of something, but it’s been a long time preparing and a long drive down to the Hiker Hostel in Dahlonega, Georgia. Tim and I arrived an hour or so ago. Melissa will be here shortly.
Tim and I drove yeaterday from Rochester, NY, to Atkins, VA. We spent the night in a Comfort Inn. Today we got up early and drove a couple hours to Kings Collision in Bean Station, TN, where we met Lou, who’ll be storing my car for a couple of weeks until Tim finishes his couple of weeks hiking with us. (Tim will drive my car back to Rochester, pick up his truck and head back to Vermont.)
At King’s Collision, we also met Scott and his father-in-law, who very kindly drove us the rest of the way to Hiker Hostel. They more than generously spent their whole day (starting at 5 AM!) to drive up to Bean Station to get us, then all the way down to Dahlonega. WOW! We don’t meet folks like that every day, but wouldn’t it be nice if we did?
Well, we’re settling in, getting comfortable, meeting others who’ll be hiking tomorrow. Don’t know when we’ll next be able to post, but finally we’re at the end of the prep and the start of something new! God bless our feet, and thanks to everyone who got us this far!
Bon Chance and Happy Hiking!! My prayers are with you. Have a wonderful time! I’m so looking forward to your posts. Much Love.
Missed you in class Mike, Daren has become a volunteer assistant till he starts MCC.
(Of course he is not as good of a teacher as you)
I know you will keep in touch as much as you can,if there are Libraries close enough to the trail for you to connect your electronic communication devices up to give out an update.
I’m sure after all the walking,you don’t want to go very far off route to touch base with your cyber space followers.
Well hay I look forward to your next installment of your adventure,and always be safe.